Startseite > ADeKo Wer wir sind > Organigramm Vorstand
Organigramm Vorstand
- Vice Chairman, Daechang Group
- Distinguished Professor, Yonsei University
- Honorary Chairman, KGCCI (Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Indutry)
- Perpetual Honorary Chairman, KDGW (Koreanisch Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftswissenschaften)
- Vice Chiarman, KDG)Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft)
- Board Member, SIFA(The Seoul Forum for International Affairs)
- Former Chairman & Representative Director, BMW Group Korea
- Deutscher Botschafter in Korea
- Koreanischer Botschafter in Deutschland
Advisory Board
- Senior Advisor, Shin & Kim LLC
- Former Chairperson, Korea Fair Trade Commission
- Professor Emeritus, Seoul National University.
- Former Ambassador to China
- Former Minister of Unification
- Professor Emeritus, Yonsei University
- Member of the National Election Broadcasting Debate Commission
- Former Minister of Justice
- Former Chairman, School Board of Dongduk Women’s College
- Former Dean, Yonsei University, Law School
- Former Minister, Foreign Affairs and Trade of South Korea
- Chairman, The Asan Institute for Policy Studies
- Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University
- Director, UniKorea Foundation
- Director, Korea Peace Foundation
- President, Dongsung Motors
- Founding Dean, Graduate School of Data Science
- Founding Director, Big Data Institute, Seoul National University
- Founding Chief Architect, SAP HANA
- Founder, SAP Labs Korea
- Founder, Transact In Memory in Silicon Valley
- Former Ambassador to Germany
- Former Deputy Foreign Minister of ROK
- Visiting Professor, Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies
- Vice President of Korean Council on Foreign Relations
- Chairman & CEO, HANDOK Inc.
- President, Handok Jeseok Foundation
- President, Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V.
- Former Chairman, KGCCI(Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- President & CEO, German-Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Former CEO, German-Philippine & -Tunisian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Former Senior Consultant, EUTOP Bruxelles S.A
- Regional Director East Asia
- Director Goethe-Institut Korea
- Principal, German School Seoul International
Audit Committee
- Honorary Professor, Korea Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education (KIGEPE)
- Director, Ahns Gender Institute
- President, Korea Polytechnics 2 University
- Former Adjunct Professor, Economics Graduate School of Yonsei University
- Former Expert Adviser, Presidential Committee of Policy & Planning
- Former Chief Researcher, Hankyoreh Economy & Society Research Institute
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender
- Professor, Jeonbuk National University
- Policy Advisor, Foreign Ministry
- Honorary Consul, Hungary
- President, KAVKAS
ADeKo Academy
- Professor, GIST & CEO, eSuS Co., Ltd.
- MPG Alumni Korea Representative
- Associate Professor, Kongju National University
- Deputy Director, DAAD Seoul
Science & Technology
- Professor, Computer Science, Seoul National University
- Director, AI Institute (AIIS) Seoul National University
- CEO, HANDA Forum
- President, Alumni Friedrich Naumann Foundation
- President, Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftswissenschaften(KDGW)
- Principal, Research Fellow, Gawangju Institute
- Committee Member, KOFST
- Visiting Professor, Department of Policy Sciences at Ehwa University
- Advisor, Shin&Kim LLC.
- Former Chairperson, the Personal Information Protection Commission
- Former Vice-Minister, Ministry of the Interior and Safety
- Science Writer and Speaker
- Former President of Gwacheon National Science Center
- Professor, Hanyang University Erica Campus, School of Architecture & Architectural Engineering / AUDI LAB, SLArchitekten
Industry & Trade
- President & CEO, ZEISS Korea
- Professor, Jeonju University
- Honorary Chairman, Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (KDGW)
- Managing Director, Merck Korea
- Representative, SUNGJOO D&D Inc.
- Vice President, the society of Fashion & Textile Industry
- CEO & President, KBautosys co. Ltd.
- President, Witzenmann Korea
- Former President, Emerson Process Management Korea
- Former President, TUV Nord Korea- President, Korea Family Business Institute
- Former President, IBK Economic Research Institute
- Former Professor, Soongsil University of Dept. of Entrepreneurship and Small - Business
- Former President, Korea Middle Market Enterprises Institute
Society & Law
- Professor, Korea University Lawschool
- Chairman, Korea Consumer Law Society
- Chairman, DAAD Alumni Korea
- Attorney-at-law / Rechtsanwalt, KIM & CHANG
- Secretary, Korean Alumni Club of University of Freiburg
- Professor, Baekseok University, Department of Social Welfare
- Vice-President, The Korean Psychoanalytical and Clinical Counseling Association
- Committee Member, Seoul Family Court and Seoul High Court Mediation
- Partner, Shin & Kim LLC
- Former Director, Korean Society of Law
- Former Member, Personnel Committee of Seoul Metropolitan Government
- Former Director, Ministry of Justice
- Former Chief Prosecutor, Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office
- Director/CEO, Research Institute of German Politics and Economy
- Member of Board of Directors, Gyeonggido Job Foundation
- Affiliated Professor, Gachon University
- Ambassador, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg to Korea
- General Manager, Korea-Consult
- Correspondent for Weltreporter in Korea
- Official advisor, the Korean government
Humanities & Education
- Professor, Dongshin University
- Special Committee Member, National Education Commission(NEC)
- Professor/Director, Suncheon National University, Liberal Arts Education
- Director, The Institute for Good Life Education
- Vice Chairman, The National Council for University General Education
- Professor, Hanyang University, History Department
- Former Assistant Professor, UNIST
- Director, Internationale Programme Korea, FHM Bielefeld
- Former Vice General Secretary, ADeKo
- Former Director, DAAD South Korea
- Former Visiting Professor, Yonsei University
Culture & Art
- Professor, Seoul National University
- Pianist
- Head, Institute of Architectural Heritage, MONUMENT
- Installation artist
Alumni Association Committee
- CEO, Biorin Ltd.
- President, Alumni Köln Univ. in Korea
- Chief Researcher, KETCH
- Advisor, KOPRI
- President, Alumi Goettingen Univ. in Korea
Publications Committee
- Professor, Korean Civic Education Institute for Democracy, National Election Commission
- Vicepresident, Korean Political Communication Association
- Former President, Korean-German Association for Social Sciences
- Former Vicepresident, Korean Speech, Media & Communication Association
-Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Department of Political Science and Diplomacy
-Former Director, Graduate School of Politics, Government, and Communication at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
-Former Chairman, The Korean Society of Contemporary European Studies
- Associate Professor, Pukyong National University, Political Science and International Relations
- Director, Pukyong National University, The Centre for Global Multilevel Governance
- President, Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenschaften (KDGS)
- Professor, Gachon University, Dept. of Social Welfare
- Dir. of Graduate School of Social Policy, Gachon University
- Commissioner, Michuhol-gu Election Broadcasting Debate Commission, Incheon Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea
- Former Election Debates Team Manager, National Election Broadcasting Debate Commission,Republic of Korea
Junior Board
- Representative Director & CEO, GERB Vibration Control Systems Korea Ltd.
- Broadcaster/Musician
- Analyst, Samchully Asset Management
- Gründer, we architekten
- Außerordentlicher Prof., Hanyang Uni. ERICA
- Eingetragener Architekt Korea & Deutschland
- Vorstandsmitglied, Tongui Urban Research Institut
- Bauausschussmitglied der Suseong-gu, Daegu
- Classical singer(Soprano)
- Representative of Clara Vocal Academy,
- Vocal coach in Jongnogu Choir in Seoul
- Steering committee member of Seogu Choir in Daejeon
- HR Manager of DEERFOS Co.Ltd.
- Former HR Manager, Techsquare Co.Ltd.
- Former HR&General Affair Manager, FA Dept., Deloitte Anjin LLC
- Lehrer für deutsche Sprache und Kultur, Sookmyung Women's University
- Lehrer für deutsche Sprache und Kultur, Ewha Foreign Language Girls Highschool
Operation Committee in Germany
- Rostock International House Director, University of Rostock
- Former Director, DAAD Offices in Seoul and Hongkong
- CEO, Eurasia Partners Co., Ltd.
- Professor, Institute for Korean Studies, Seminar of East Asian Studies, Freie Universität of Berlin
- Director, Institute for Korean Studies, Seminar of East Asian Studies, Freie Universität of Berlin
- Full Member, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Deutsche Korrespondenten
-Übersetzerin, WMU (Weser Metall und Umformtechnik)
- TU München
Operation Committee
- Councilor, Royal Asiatic Society Korea
- Adjunct Professor, Hanyang University
- Consultant, DAERYOOK & AJU LLC